Paddy Joyce (Osteopath & Clinic Director)
Welcome to Haringey Osteopaths. I'm Paddy Joyce, Clinic Director and osteopath at our clinic in Crouch End, North London. We are situated at one of London's leading Tennis and Squash clubs (Coolhurst Tennis and Squash Club), located in Crouch End, North London. At Haringey Osteopaths we strive to provide every patient with the best care available, enabling you to live pain free. Osteopaths are able to accurately diagnose your pain, and provide pain relieving treatment and self help advice to relieve musculoskeletal pain. If we are unable to help you with your pain, then we are able to refer you to the right person who can. We pride ourselves at Haringey Osteopaths on being able to get you back to full health in the quickest time possible, making treatment cost effective.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask, and we will get back to before you can say back pain!
Coolhurst Tennis & Squash Club
Courstside, Coolhurst Road
Crouch End, London
N8 8EY
Osteopathy and Exercise Rehab for Sports Injuries